About Let's Tree Wilmot

Our Mission

Let’s Tree Wilmot provides volunteers, education, and expertise to enhance the trees and forest ecosystems in Wilmot Township.

Let’s Tree Wilmot is a volunteer run non-profit, and a project of the Wilmot Horticultural Society.  Community focused, LTW’s goals are to plant and protect trees in Wilmot Township. Through partnerships and cooperation, native species are planted by volunteers both in public spaces and on private lands. Let’s Tree Wilmot actively engages the public in forest stewardship through planting, education and training.

Things We Do

The LTW Team

The LTW team is made up of volunteer committee members with the help of many community volunteers. We are passionate about planting trees and fostering stewardship, one tree at a time, through community participation.

Marlene Knezevich

Chair, LTW
Director, Wilmot Horticultural Society

Dean Peachey

Chair, Project Committee
Chair, Fundraising Committee

Louis Silcox

Chair, Education Committee

Marlene Knezevich


Contact us at LetsTreeWilmot@gmail.com for more information or to join our team.

Our Roots

Let’s Tree Wilmot held its first meeting on Wednesday, March 11, 2020 (the day the Covid Pandemic was announced!). This was the culmination of many months of discussions between Nith Valley EcoBoosters, Wilmot Horticultural Society, Rotary Wilmot and the Township of Wilmot. A shared goal of growing the tree canopy of Wilmot Township brought us together.

By the fall of 2020, enough funds were raised to allow LTW to hold its first tree planting event. Following Covid protocols, on Saturday, October 24th, 100 large native trees were planted at Scott Park in New Hamburg. The 53 volunteers who registered (ages 5+) were assisted by the first 7 LTW planting guides. It was a great success.

The following year, activities increased with more volunteers joining and COVID-19 restrictions decreased. Along with Wilmot Township staff, members identified priority locations for planting, selected tree and shrub species suited to the growing conditions, and watered the trees planted the previous year.

Since 2020, Let’s Tree Wilmot volunteers have planted and cared for at least 2,390 native trees and shrubs on Wilmot Township property, with 320 more planted on private lands. Trees were planted in Township parks in Baden, New Dundee, New Hamburg, Mannheim, St. Agatha, and Petersburg.